Obama’s Speeches, the GOP Debate and Straw Poll, the riots in London and more today at 5:00 p.m. PST

On Sundays I conduct a live webcast in which I discuss news and politics from the perspective of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. You are invited to get in on the discussion tooday, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., PST.

If you join in live, you’ll have the ability to communicate with me via text chat and also via audio either by using a USB mic connected to your computer (VoIP) or by phone. Click here to register (it’s free). If you are not able to attend live, the recorded podcast will be available by tomorrow morning, so you can download it and listen to it at your leisure during the week.

Planned topics for today: Obama’s reaction to the U.S. credit rating downgrade? Give speeches and propose more of the same government programs that got us into this mess. What did you think of the GOP debate and Straw Poll in Iowa? And what about the rioters in London? Click the above link to register and join in on the live discussion!

1 Comment

Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

One response to “Obama’s Speeches, the GOP Debate and Straw Poll, the riots in London and more today at 5:00 p.m. PST

  1. Davis Treadway

    Re: Bachmann. Bachmann is the epitome of the sort of American I can’t stand and the kind that scares me. Her “solutions” are just not related to reality, simply constant restating that she is “pro-life” and stands for “Christian values” and she will not compromise until she can push through my agenda through congress.

    Her clinic gets me so angry. It is one of the most morally reprehensible and intolerant things I can think of in America today. It exists almost entirely on state and federal money to “pray the gay away” and is ridiculous. Why are such clinics tax exempt and why do they get federal aid and state funding?

    And then she has the hypocritical gall to say that she stands for a smaller government with less misuses/misallocation and will not tolerate any government spending on anything that compromises her moral integrity?!

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