Monthly Archives: September 2011

Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #30, Hour 2

Hour 2: FDA to ban OTC asthma inhalants in order to preserve ozone layer; Palestinians apply for statehood at the U.N.; GOP debate and straw poll.

Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #30 Hour 2, September 25

(Sorry, but the iTunes feed requires I put this file in a separate post so that it will upload for subscribers.)


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #30

Hour 1: Attack Watch; Elizabeth Warren’s appeal to the “social contract”.

Hour 2: FDA to ban OTC asthma inhalants in order to preserve ozone layer; Palestinians apply for statehood at the U.N.; GOP debate and straw poll.

If you were unable to attend live and would like to hear this week’s webcast/podcast, click here for hour one, and click here for hour two, or you can access the files via iTunes (link on the right-hand side of this page >>>>>> ).

Thanks to all who participated live! Use the comments portion of this post to leave comments, and to suggest topics for future shows. If you are enjoying the podcasts, don’t forget to “Like” the show’s page on Facebook (link also on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>), leave ratings and reviews in iTunes, and tell your friends. Thanks!

If you would like to register to attend next Sunday’s webcast live, click here.


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

Join Me for Don’t Let It Go…Unheard, Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. PT

On Sundays I conduct a live webcast in which I discuss news and politics from the perspective of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. You are invited to get in on the discussion tomorrow, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Pacific Time.

If you join in live, you’ll have the ability to communicate with me via text chat and also via audio either by using a USB mic connected to your computer (VoIP) or by phone. Click here to register (it’s free). If you are not able to attend live, the recorded podcast will be available later Sunday evening or Monday morning, so you can download it and listen to it at your leisure during the following week. (Note: I will divide the recorded podcast into two segments of one hour each for your convenience.)

Topics on my radar so far this week: Attack Watch, Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren, Palestinians’ Demand for Statehood, Solyndra, and the GOP Debate. There will surely be more…

If you would like to listen to a recording of my most recent webcast, you can find it here.

UPDATE: The live webcast is now over; if you would like to download a recorded podcast of tonight’s episode, you can find it here.


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard