Monthly Archives: August 2019

Today’s Hangout for Supporters/Patrons/Subscribers

If you’ve been following me this week, you’ve seen that there are now three ways to support the work that I do. First, there’s what some of you have been doing here via my blog: supporting me via PayPal. Second, I rebooted my account on Patreon. And third, I just joined–and finally got approved yesterday–on Subscribe Star.

Today I held a special Hangout for “Early Bird” supporters/patrons/subscribers, and the recording of that hangout will be available to anyone who signs up to support me, in any of those ways. Thanks to the few of you who joined me live, particularly to Daniel for the impromptu discussion! Look forward to doing another Hangout next Friday.

Thanks for your support!


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More “None of the Above” with James Valliant, TODAY at 3 p.m. ET (12 p.m. PT)

Lots to discuss with Hong Kong/China, including Trump’s vacillations on the “Trade War.” Other stories, too, see Program Notes, below, for all the stories, etc., we plan to discuss today.

As Trump Swerves on Trade War, It’s Whiplash for the Rest of the World

Sensing vulnerability, China turns up the heat on Trump

Farmers’ Frustration With Trump Grows as U.S. Escalates China Fight

Thousands link hands in a Hong Kong vigil protesting a more aggressive Beijing 

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam remains defiant as violence at protests worsens

China espionage charges: Australian Yang Hengjun ‘not a spy’ says foreign minister

From the Shadows, China’s Communist Party Mobilizes Against Hong Kong Protests

Democracy for Hong Kong?

2020 Democratic Candidates Are Reaching Out To Religious Voters

2020 Democrats inject faith into messages at black church PAC forum

Cory Booker Weaponizes the Torah for Political Gain


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Democracy for Hong Kong?

(As posted on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram earlier today. I was asked whether it could be shared to other platforms as well, so I’m posting it here.)

HongKongers, I’m reposting my #Eye4HK photo today, to show more support and to hopefully get your attention so I can ask you to consider something: 

Your fight against totalitarianism is probably the most inspiring thing happening on this planet today. But I keep seeing many of you demand “Democracy,” and I don’t think that’s really what you want. I don’t blame you, because people all over the world demand “Democracy,” thinking they are demanding something that will guarantee them freedom. Freedom to come to their own decisions about what is best for their lives, and to act accordingly.

But “Democracy,” is nothing more than a process of mob rule. If the mob votes for freedom, yes, you’ll get freedom. But as history has taught us, the mob often does not vote for freedom. The mob votes to oppress or steal from some minority.

HongKongers, I think what you really want is a government with the best chance of respecting *individual rights*. Ours in the United States was designed, originally, to do that. A Constitutional government with explicit limitations on government action, explicit guarantees of rights protection, and checks and balances to correct for human error/corruption. 

Today we are far from perfect, because the philosophy that provides the best defense and justification for this type of system has not yet been fully accepted, and in the meantime, the system of checks and balances has been eroded. (Eroded to the point where we have a President giving businesses orders in his tweets!)

Nonetheless I think it is this type of system–a Constitutional government guaranteeing respect for rights and incorporating checks and balances–that has the best chance of protecting the freedom so many of us value.

#StandWithHongKong #IndividualRights4HongKong


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