Tag Archives: Syria

Yaron and Amy: “Zuckerberg in DC: Sanction of the Victim?” TODAY at 4 p.m. ET (1 p.m. PT)

Yaron is still on the road, so we’re doing the show at a different day/time than usual. I hope you can join us!

The title encompasses two different questions I’m eager to discuss with Yaron, and of course we’ll also discuss Syria. See Program Notes, below, for all the stories, etc., I have planned to discuss with Yaron.

The show will be broadcast live via streaming video on Yaron’s YouTube Channel as well as on his show’s Facebook page here.

POST-SHOW UPDATE: Yaron was, ironically perhaps, not able to get the Facebook livestream to work. So the video is available only on YouTube here:

Enjoy this series of shows with Yaron? Have you checked out my own shows? If you like my work, I’d love to have you as a Patron on my Patreon page here.

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Program Notes

Victory: China’s Pres. Caves, Hands Trump Massive Win on Trade HT Tom Jones

Thanks, For Nothing: China’s Xi Jinping Offers Nothing New, But Trump Thrilled

How the U.S.-led Airstrikes in Syria Hit Their Targets Before Assad’s Missile Defenses Even Fired This and next two stories, HT Benjamin Chayes

Most Chemical Attacks in Syria Get Little Attention. Here Are 34 Confirmed Cases.

Pentagon reports increase in Russian trolls since Syria strike

Meme by Benjamin Chayes

Sanction of the Victim

My Facebook Post on Zuckerberg Testimony

Facebook Fuels Broad Privacy Debate by Tracking Non-Users

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Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard