Atlas Shrugged Movie, Sunday’s Webcast

I imagine that most readers of my blog will be heading out to see the Atlas Shrugged movie this weekend. If you would like to share your thoughts on it, add a comment here, or register to participate in my live webcast this Sunday, when we will be discussing it.

We will also be discussing some of the media attention Rand and her ideas have gotten recently as a result of the movie’s release. An example brought to my attention today: this hit piece in which the author asserts, apparently drawing upon something Jennifer Burns mentioned in her biography, that Ayn Rand was a big admirer of serial killers. Phew! Now no one needs to actually address the content of Rand’s ideas, or her arguments for them, because we all know that upholding a philosophy that rejects self-sacrifice is equivalent to being a serial killer anyway.

In fact, the author of the article recommends, at the end of the piece, that Rand’s followers should be dealt with in the same way one deals with serial killers. They should be “run [] the hell out of town and out of our hemisphere.” Lovely.


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

7 responses to “Atlas Shrugged Movie, Sunday’s Webcast

  1. I look forward to hearing what people liked and disliked. Overall, I enjoyed it. There is certainly no shortage of things to pick apart and compare against the book, but on the whole I recommend that people go and see it. Your evaluation will come down to what standard you use.

    I’ve written more here:

  2. Edmund B.

    Mark Ames does not understand Dr. Rand. He is taking her private! notes upon a real-life tragedy out of context. Ayn Rand was a brilliant, peace-loving defender of individual rights. Ames’ context-dropping failed to notice her love of kittens and her enthusiasm for the light-hearted operatta compositions of Imre Kalman. Truly, such narrow-mindedness is without excuse. It is safe to say that Ames belongs to the second-handed altruism of a Kantian universe.
    Dr. Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is a great Romantic novel. The film makers Of Atlas Shrugged Part I would have produced a greater film had they consulted Dr. Leonard Peikoff or one of his inner circle.

  3. I’m not psychologist, but I think Mark Ames might be mentally ill. Good grief! I thought I’d read every ridiculous accusation against Rand, but this is a new low. I read the Burns bio and I do not remember any mention of this serial killer.

    There is an important point here, however: the people who write for Alternet cannot be engaged on a serious intellectual level. When we try to, we only degrade ourselves. I can converse with a liberal collectivist who at least makes an effort to appreciate the benefits of civilization over barbarism. A reasonable discussion of ideas is possible even if your opponent believes community must trump individualism. But the Alternet people are like Bolsheviks. They are psued0-intellectual vermin.

    How pleasurable to see them sweating the dissemination of Rand’s ideas.

  4. Edmund B.

    Further, Ames has admitted to “dropping drugs”. I would think he was on LSD when he wrote this serial-killer tripe concerning a great individualist. Or, quite possibly he was sucking up to [ie. bootlicking] some ex-Soviet from his days wasted in the cesspool that was Leningrad. His writing style reminds me of suicidal, “gonzo” journalism; which is the equivalent of yellow journalism mixed with stale existentialism [ie. empty emotionalism and nauseu]. Mr. Ames take some good advice and save your mind by retiring your pen.

  5. Just saw the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I worried that it would either be bereft of Rand’s ideas or saturate the viewer with so much philosophy that only those who read OPAR would be able to follow the ideas in the film. I thought it struck a nice balance (though far from perfect). The acting was first rate, especially from the leads. The levity was appreciated.


    The film could have actually been around ten minutes longer, allowing for smoother transitions and a better fleshing out of some of the themes.

    The abrupt way in which John Galt converted the capitalists was jarring, as was the Humphrey Bogart attire (he looked like he stepped out of 1957).

    The obviously-added overdubs of Dagney and Hank discussing (very briefly!) altruism as they walk into the 20th century motor corp. felt heavy handed. That discussion could have been more deftly handled over dinner or even as after sex pillow talk. It’s as if the producer bellowed: “We don’t have a line denouncing altruism! Put one in now!”

    Ellis Wyatt’s voice over at the end was clunky. The sign says it all ( a close up of the sign with Wyatt’s voice reading it might have been better). And who is Wyatt talking to when he says “I’m on strike!” The movie audience? The public in the film?

    Overall, I think, a good job. Certainly worthy of box office success and a sequel. That it was made at all is a miracle. I’ll do a full review later on my blog.

  6. I gotta admit, I’m still finicky on watching the movie despite the good audience WOM. I am, however, liking how Rand is getting discussed more…even if some of it is drivel.

    Ah well, better to be disliked than to be boring. The former shows that you’re onto something, the latter shows that you’re just fluff.

  7. Mel McGuire

    For those who want to follow the movie’s box office performance, I can suggest one of my favorite web sites: Box Office Mojo. For Atlas specifically, its page is here. The daily details are here.

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