Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #8 Available for Download

Topics: Budget compromise. Koran Burning. Trump 2012. Alan Gross in Cuba.

If you were unable to attend live and would like to hear this week’s webcast/podcast, click here, or you can access it, either later today or tomorrow, via iTunes (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>> ). (Please note that the recording this week may have a bit too much gain at points, and therefore some distortion. I will fix this for next week’s webcast.)

Here are the segments of this week’s webcast, listed by topic:

Budget compromise: 2:25

Koran Burning: 26:08

Trump 2012: 46:20

Alan Gross in Cuba: 56:45

Thanks to all who participated live in this week’s webcast. Use the comments portion of this post to leave comments on this week’s webcast, and to suggest topics for next week. Also, if you are enjoying the podcasts, don’t forget to “Like” the show’s page on Facebook (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>), plus leave ratings and comments in iTunes.

If you would like to register to attend next Sunday’s webcast live, click here.


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

4 responses to “Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #8 Available for Download

  1. Just read that myself, M. Stern, a great reality check.

  2. Haven’t had a chance to listen to your webinar, and I’m sorry I missed it Sunday, but I didn’t know a lot about the budget at that time, and as it turns out, neither did anybody else. I’ve been listening to the Conservative pundits off and on all day Monday, and they have fined tuned their analysis of the budget, and it is far worse than we thought it was over the weekend. Turns out they really only cut about 20 billion from this year’s budget, and the other 20 billion they claimed were cuts was money they found in sundry areas of the government that hadn’t been spent yet. I guess 20 billion in savings is OK, but they should have done that *and* the 100 billion they promised to cut out of this year’s budget. For them to know we have a budget crises and a looming debt crises on the horizon and not to have cut to the bone, I think is irresponsible and immoral.

    I recently had to cut my personal budget to less than half of what it used to be due to becoming unemployed, so I know what real cuts are; and if the Republicans were being responsible, they, too, should have cut to the bone, knowing what they know about the economy and what a debt crises in the government might do to it. I’m not talking about “shared sacrifices” as that would be immoral, but rather pointing out the fact that if you have little income coming in, then you need to cut — and cut deep. The Republicans should have stood by their promise and told Obama et al that this is all you are going to get; and let the government shut down to drive home the point. Instead Obama was worried that some school children might have to cancel their visit to Washington DC, putting children above reason once again; and the Republicans fell for that and other manipulations of the principles at stake.

    I say shame on them.

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