Monthly Archives: June 2011

Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #18

How will Obamacare affect your privacy? Is Obama exceeding the scope of his authority by continuing our involvement in Libya and, if so, what should the GOP do? This week’s Supreme Court ruling on Tenth Amendment standing. Ron Paul wins another straw poll. The “2012 Pro-Life Citizen’s Pledge”. And more.

(Note: The candidate’s version of the pledge is actually called the “2012 Pro-Life Presidential Leadership Pledge.” The citizen’s version consists of a citizen pledging to vote only for a candidate who promises to govern according to the terms of the pledge. It was the name of the citizen’s pledge that was used in the Volokh Conspiracy blog post I discussed and I carried the error over into my podcast. Sorry for that.)

If you were unable to attend live and would like to hear this week’s webcast/podcast, click here, or you can access it via iTunes (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>> ).

Thanks to all who participated live in this week’s webcast. Use the comments portion of this post to leave comments, and to suggest topics for next week. If you are enjoying the podcasts, don’t forget to “Like” the show’s page on Facebook (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>), leave ratings and reviews in iTunes, and tell your friends. Thanks!

If you would like to register to attend next Sunday’s webcast live, click here.

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Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

Register to attend today’s live webcast at 5:00 pm PST

Every Sunday I conduct a live webcast in which I discuss news and politics from the perspective of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. You are invited to get in on the discussion tooday, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., PST.

If you join in live, you’ll have the ability to communicate with me via text chat and also via audio either by using a USB mic connected to your computer (VoIP) or by phone. Click here to register.

Planned topics for today: Libya, the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Tenth Amendment, the “2012 Pro-Life Citizen’s Pledge” and what it says about those who signed it (and refused to sign it). And more.

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Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard

Don’t Let It Go…Unheard #17

Should certain dangerous breeds of dogs be banned from densely populated areas? Why did U.S. Solicitor General Katyal mention Ayn Rand during his defense of Obamacare before the Eleventh Circuit? And more.

If you were unable to attend live and would like to hear this week’s webcast/podcast, click here, or you can access it via iTunes (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>> ).

Thanks to all who participated live in this week’s webcast. Use the comments portion of this post to leave comments, and to suggest topics for next week. In particular, I’d love to hear listeners’ thoughts on the issue of breed-specific legislation banning or regulating the ownership of Pit Bulls. If you are enjoying the podcasts, don’t forget to “Like” the show’s page on Facebook (link on the right-hand side of this web page >>>>>), plus leave ratings and reviews in iTunes. Thanks!

If you would like to register to attend next Sunday’s webcast live, click here.


Filed under Don't Let It Go...Unheard